Enforcement officers will be in the area this week

Please note that due to the escalating problem with dog fouling and litter in Marshfield and Castleton, Newport Council enforcement officers will be visiting our area this week and they will be issuing fixed penalties to anyone found to littering or allowing their dog to foul the streets.

We are planning to place bins on Church Lane and Ty Mawr Lane and are finalising the exact locations, costs and emptying arrangements with NCC.

It would help the litter problem if everyone could use the plastic bags provided by NCC for plastic recycling to stop it blowing across the roads and to prevent spillage by Wastesavers when they collect the recycling. If you have any comments or complaints about the way Wastesavers collect, please contact them on 01633 281 281 – they are usually responsive to any suggestions for improvement. If you need to report a problem with fly-tipping, bins or litter to Newport Council, call 01633 656 656.

We are trying to work with the Council to make our villages cleaner, nicer places to live and would appreciate your co-operation. Thank you.

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