Gypsy and Traveller Sites – Guidance note on how to comment

Thank you to all those who attended the public planning meeting on Monday 17th September, at Marshfield Village Hall. The following guidance note on how to respond to Newport Council’s public consultation on gypsy and traveller sites, and suggested comments to make, has been put together based on the points raised at that meeting by Marshfield Community Council and from helpful feedback and input from local residents. Since our last posting, we have also received additional helpful comments from a local resident with further objections to the Celtic Way transit site, and these have been added below.

A leaflet has been delivered to all residents of Marshfield and Castleton.

Also below, is a detailed response on the suitability of 3 other sites on the shortlist, located at the Former Ringland Allotments, the Former Road Safety Centre and adjacent land on Hartridge Farm Road, and the Former Speedway Site at Plower Close in Llanwern. We urge you to submit separate responses in support of each of these sites.

The deadline for comments on the gypsy and traveller sites is 4th October 2012. 

Gypsy Sites Comments Guidance
Additional Objections to the Celtic Way Transit Site
Advantages of the Alternative Gypsy Sites

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